Title: Development of AIRCRAFT data processing system and impacts on a 3D-VAR system at KIAPS
Author: Jeon-Ho Kang (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems)
In-Hyuk Kwon (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems)
The Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS) Data Assimilation team has been developing the observation processing system (KIAPS Package for Observation Processing: KPOP) to provide optimal observations to the data assimilation system for the Cubed-Sphere grid model based on spectral element method. Currently, the KPOP has an ability to process the satellite radiance (AMSU-A, IASI), GPS-RO, synoptic observations (SONDE, SURFACE), and AIRCRAFT. The temperature and wind components (u-/v-)of AIRCRAFT data have been assimilated through the 3D-VAR system. Only the best temperature pixels on each horizontal thinning meshwere picked up regardless ofobservation densityafter quality control process, and wind components were used at the same observation locations. Most selected observations were distributed about 200~300 hPa in vertical, and around from North America to Europe in horizontal. Also, most impacts from data assimilation for the AIRCRAFT temperature and wind components were shown on these areas. In spite of that the quality control were applied only for the temperature, impact from wind components shows much bigger than temperature. We are planning to develop enhanced AIRCRAFT processing modules that can provide profiled temperature and wind components for ascent mode with more sophisticated quality control and bias correction. Preliminary results from data assimilation for the different set of KPOP_AIRCRAFT processed data will be presented, in this workshop.
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Last Updated: Feb 9 2015 |