Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction (MAP) Program


The MAP program supports observation driven modeling that integrates the research activities in NASA’s Earth Science Program. The research is distinguished by rigorous examination and in corporation of satellite-based observations, using models to bridge the spatial and temporal scales between satellite observations and observations from ground and air based campaigns. This contributes to the validation of the satellite observations and to observationally based improvements of Earth system model components. MAP strives to generate models and model components that are documented and validated.

NASA's Science Mission Directorate periodically selects research proposals for the MAP Program in support of the Earth Science Division. These MAP sponsored research projects include integration across models, super-computing, organizations, and NASA and non-NASA systems infrastructure.

See NASA/MAP Funded Investigations funded through "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences" (ROSES) for ROSES 12, ROSES 15, and ROSES 16.