- New Paper Reveals Drop in Levels of Global Freshwater with Co-Author Mike Bosilovich (11.15.24)
- Andrew Fox, Qing Liu, and Rolf Reichle Granted ROSES-23 Funding for CYGNSS; Fox to Serve as Project's PI (5.31.24)
- IEA Meeting Highlights Applications of GMAO Reanalysis in Wind Energy Development (5.24.24)
- Recent Fixes Helping JEDI Transition for GEOS Systems (5.16.24)
- GMAO Member Lauren Andrews Named Deputy PI for EVS-4 Mission “Snow4Flow" (4.29.24)
- Third ROSES-23 Proposal Accepted for GMAO by Reasearch Team Led by Richard Cullather on Ice Sheet Data Assimilation(4.11.24)
- GMAO Member Tom Clune Part of Accepted Proposal Team to Update Computing Capabilities and Software Infrastucture (4.10.24)
- GMAO Investigators Andrea Molod, Abdullah Fahad and Atanas Trayanov Members of Proposal Team Selected by the MAP 2023 Program (4.9.24)
- Dr Cheng Da Granted Funding via NASA’s Early Career Investigator Program in Earth Science (3.28.24)
- Exploring Past and Future Tropical Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal with NASA High-End Computing (2.22.24)
- 2024 GMAO Peer Awards Honor Recipients' Outstaning Achievements (2.5.25)
- NASA Data Assimilation Team Hits Major Milestone for JEDI Implementation (10.4.23)
- NCCS-Enabled Data Assimilation Probes Impact of Pacific Ocean Heatwaves on Phytoplankton Populations (6.16.23)
- The GMAO’s Lesley Ott Presents Air Quality Visualizations for Visiting Country Leaders (5.11.23)
- The GMAO Stays Warm at ITSC in the Arctic Circle (3.29.23)
- Womens History Month - Christine Bloecker (3.16.23)
- Women’s History Month: GMAO Team Member Akira Sewnath (3.16.23)
- Early Career Scientist Spotlight - Atousa Saberi (3.2.23)
- Celebrating Black History Month NCCS User Spotlight: Hamid Oloso (2.16.23)
- GMAO: a Strong Presence at AMS (1.31.23)
- GMAO Takes Hold in the Windy City (1.31.23)
- GEOS Featured at the Supercomputing 22 (SC22) Conference (12.8.22)
- Goddard Earth Scientists Attend the SPARC Symposium (11.10.22)
- NASA GMAO supports successful test of an Inflatable Decelerator (LOFTID) (11.10.22)
- NASA’s GMAO Teams up with Google to Better Track Local Air Pollution (10.18.22)
- GMAO and NCCS Provide Forecasts for 10 NASA Field Campaigns (10.4.22)
- 2021 Paper Wins First ACP Paul Crutzen Publication Award (9.26.22)
- NASA ROSES 2021 Advanced Information Systems Technology Funded (8.22.22)
- GMAO's Amin Dezfuli Receives Robert H. Goddard Award (7.20.22)
- NASA GMAO contributes to evaluating observing systems for Synergistic Observing Network for the Ocean (SynObs) (6.17.22)
- GEOS Decadal Survey Incubation Proposal Funded (5.26.22)
- GMAO Team Members Receive Agency Honor Awards (4.08.22)
- Doug Collins Under Ye Olde Oak Tree (3.31.22)
- Celebrating Jing Guo on His Retirement (3.31.22)
- The Virtual 102nd American Meteorological Society Meeting (2.24.22)
- GMAO Attends Hybrid American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (2.24.22)
- Ron Errico Retires from GMAO (12.02.21)
- IIP and GMAO (11.18.21)
- Lesley Ott Presents to the Vice President (11.16.2021)
- Recent Award Winners in the GMAO (09.22.2021)
- Chi-Ching (Cliff) Liu Retires After Long Service with GMAO (07.13.2021)
- Lesley Ott Narrates Video About the Heat of 2020 (03.16.2021)
- The GMAO Supports Field Campaigns During a Challenging Year (02.10.2021)
- GMAO Attends AGU 2020—Virtually (01.20.2021)
- GMAO Contributions Play Key Role in First Public Release of JEDI (11.17.2020)
- GMAO Contributes to Winning Proposals (09.01.2020)
- Two GMAO Civil Servants Retire and Embark on New Adventures (03.25.2020)
- GMAO takes the Stage at Sciences and Exploration Directorate's 13th Annual Poster Party (03.03.2020)
- The GMAO Braves Wind Chills at AMS 2020 in Boston (02.04.2020)
- GMAO Team Members, and AGU, Return to San Francisco (01.06.2020)
- Contract Staff Members Receive Performance Awards (12.17.2019)
- GMAO Scientist Discusses the Acceleration of Pollution Forecasts (11.08.2019)
- GMAO Early Career Scientists Show Their Stuff (10.31.2019)
- The GMAO, photographed on September 19, 2019 (10.24.2019)
- GMAO Team Members Take Part in the OceanObs'19 Conference (10.07.2019)
- GMAO's MERRA-2 Science Team Wins a 2019 Agency Honor Award (09.17.2019)
- Earth Observatory Article on Hurricane Dorian features GEOS datasets and comments from Marangelly Cordero-Fuentes of GMAO (09.11.2019)
- NCCS Article Highlights GMAO Support of Field Campaigns (08.22.2019)
- GMAO's Summer Interns Engage with the Goddard Community (08.20.2019)
- Another Successful 2019 Science Jamboree with the GMAO (07.16.2019)
- The GMAO Celebrates Spring with a Party! (05.07.2019)
- Team Members Receive Recognition at the Annual GMAO Peer Awards Ceremony (04.30.2019)
- GMAO Takes AMS by Storm in Phoenix, Arizona (02.07.2019)
- NASA's GMAO Shows Strong Presence at AGU 2018 in Washington, DC (01.25.2019)
- GMAO Researchers Featured in Articles on two major 2018 Hurricanes (01.16.2019)
- GMAO's PESEP Visitor from India (10.09.2018)
- The GMAO Opens a New Season of the Sunday Experiment (09.18.2018)
- GEOS Premiers on the NASA Earth Observatory (08.24.2018)
- GMAO at Goddard's 2018 Science Jamboree (07.31.2018)
- GMAO Welcomes Five Summer Visiting Interns (07.06.2018)
- GMAO's "Notion of Ocean Motion" Demonstration Part of NASA's Earth Day 2018 (05.09.2018)
- GMAO on the Run for Fun (05.08.2018)
- GMAO continues to provide support for ASPIRE (04.16.2018)
- GMAO Participates in the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Oregon's City of Roses (03.10.2018)
- Out and About with the GMAO (03.09.2018)
- GMAO Well-Represented at AMS in Austin (02.12.2018)
- Robin Kovach and Sterling Spangler Receive Company Awards - Congratulations! (02.07.2018)
- The Retirement of Max Suarez (01.25.2018)
- GMAO at AGU: a Little Hard Work leads to Big Easy Presentations (12.27.2017)
- Remembering Nicole Raphael (12.27.2017)
- When in Rome: The GMAO Participates in the 5th International Conference on Reanalysis (12.07.2017)
- GMAO Makes a Super Impact at Supercomputing Conference 2017 (11.28.2017)
- GMAO Young Scientists Present Their Work (11.03.2017)
- 28th CERES Science Team Meeting and GMAO (10.18.2017)
- GMAO Running for Fun (10.13.2017)
- GMAO supports first ASPIRE launch (10.05.2017)
- Meet GMAO's Newest Civil Servants (09.28.2017)
- The Recipe for an Active Atlantic Hurricane Season (08.31.2017)
- The Great American Solar Eclipse as Seen by the GMAO (08.30.2017)
- Eclipse Across America: GEOS Cloud Predictions (08.18.2017)
- GMAO at Goddard's 2017 Science Jamboree (07.19.2017)
- GMAO Welcomes Five Summer Interns (06.29.2017)
- MERRA-2: Data for You (06.06.2017)
- New GMAO Arrivals! (06.06.2017)
- GMAO on the Run - NASA Goddard 2-Mile Spring Fun Run (05.26.2017)
- Gi-Kong Kim retires from NASA & GMAO (03.02.2017)
- Clara Draper takes position at NOAA ESRL (03.02.2017)
- Announcing 2016 GMAO Peer Award Winners (02.27.2017)
- The GMAO, photographed on February 23, 2017 (02.27.2017)
- Summary of GMAO Field Campaign Support for 2016 (01.24.2017)
- NASA's GMAO Makes A Strong Presence at AGU Fall 2016 Meeting (01.19.2017)
- Supercomputing Conference Hyper for GMAO's Hyperwall Presentations! (12.01.2016)
- GMAO work highlighted at COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco (11.23.2016)
- GMAO at the GSFC Fall Fun Run (10.19.2016)
- Python Boot Camp (09.27.2016)
- A busy week for the GMAO (09.23.2016)
- GMAO Scientists to get feet wet with newly funded proposals (09.20.2016)
- GMAO Staff Recognized for Outstanding Accomplishments (09.16.2016)
- GMAO seasonal forecasts suggests neutral conditions in the tropical Pacific Ocean (09.13.2016)
- GMAO scientists are part of GSFC team that discovered a disruption to the QBO in the stratosphere (09.02.2016)
- GMAO data used by the DOT/Federal Highway Administration (08.22.2016)
- Robin Kovach is featured in a NASA video about El Niño (06.13.2016)
- The GMAO, photographed on May 19, 2016 (06.01.2016)
- Announcing 2015 GMAO Peer Award Winners (01.27.2016)
- Bill Putman Part of 2016 Vizzie Award Winning Team (02.23.2016)
- New visualizations reveal differences between 2015, 1997 El Niños (02.25.2016)
- Cécile Rousseaux Quoted in Recent NASA Article (04.04.2016)
- Gabriëlle de Lannoy takes a professorship at Catholic University of Leuven (01.07.2016)
- Congratulations to Brent Smith on his Early Career Award (01.07.2016)
- Steven Pawson attends COP-21 in Paris, France …(12.6-12.11.2015)
- GMAO has a strong presence at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco …(12.14-12.18.2015)
- Lesley Ott participates in NASA Carbon-Climate Seminar …(11.13.2015)
- GMAO Contributes to the SMAP Project: Level-4 products released …(11.02.2015)
- Welcoming Tom Clune to the GMAO …(10.31.2015)
- Steven Pawson, Dalia Kirschbaum and George Huffman discus El Niño with the Baltimore Sun …(10.30.2015)
- Siegfried Schubert retires from NASA …(10.29.2015)
- NASA Feature Spotlights GMAO Researcher da Silva …(10.13.2015)
- GMAO Scientist Chosen to Receive 2016 AMS Hydrologic Sciences Medal …(09.29.2015)
- GMAO Chief Contributes to NASA Weather Focus Workshop Report …(07.8.2015)
- CO2 Global Transport Simulation from GEOS-5 Nature Run
- Quantifying the observability of CO2 flux uncertainty in atmospheric CO2 records using products from NASA's Carbon Monitoring Flux Pilot Project
- Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclones to Parameterized Convection in the GEOS-5 Model
- Interannual Variation in Phytoplankton Primary Production at a Global Scale
- High-resolution GEOS-5 simulations of stratospheric ozone intrusions
- GEOS iODAS: Ocean Data Portal
- GEOS-5 simulates Chelyabinsk meteor effects
- GEOS-5 simulation featured in National Geographic
- GMAO Contributes to Sea Ice Outlook
- Upgrade to GEOS-5 Observation Impact Monitoring
- GEOS-5 aerosol simulation in Science World
- Arctic Boreal Zone Workshop report available
- ICR4 Conference Report Available
- GEOS-5 dust forecasts now part of WMO Warning System
- Technical Memorandum on Atmospheric Reanalyses is now available
- 4th World Climate Research Programme International Conference on Reanalyses (ICR4)
- Summary material for potential ROSES collaborations
- A new GEOS-5 Technical Memorandum is now available
- GMAO adds two new products to its extensive suite of MERRA data
- GMAO starts GEOS-5 real time data production at ¼ deg horizontal resolution
- GEOS-5 Forecasting Support for HS3 Campaign
- GEOS-5 Forecasting Support for DISCOVER-AQ
- ROSES11-A40 - Potential collaborations