Project Columbia
The purpose of the Project Columbia resource allocation awards is to support currently funded research investigations in Earth and Space science. Allocations of processors-hours on Project Columbia were awarded based on recommendations by a panel of knowledgeable discipline scientists and technologists. Their recommendations were based on an assessment of the readiness and appropriateness of the application to be run on a Columbia class system, as well as science programmatic considerations.
The GMAO projects participating in Project Columbia were:
Development of the GEOS-5 Atmospheric Assimilation System (pdf)
PI: Max Suarez
PI: Siegfried Schubert
High Resolution Coupled Climate Simulations (pdf)
PI: Michele Rienecker
MODIS Observations to Improve North American Monsoon Seasonal Simulations
Michael Bosilovich
Coupled Simulations of Ozone-Climate: 1950-2100 (pdf)
PI: Steven Pawson
Advanced Data Assimilation into a High Resolution Global Ocean Model using an Ensemble Kalman Filter (pdf)
PI: Michele Rienecker