Below are titles and descriptions of the GMAO Research Highlight entries from 2007 through 2009. These writeups are summaries of selected GMAO scientific research activities.

A new study uses the Goddard Earth Observing System, Version 5 (GEOS-5) atmospheric general circulation model to study the impact of aerosols produced by the 2006 Indonesian fires on atmospheric temperature, moisture, and circulation in the region.

A new study utilizes global analyses of the atmosphere obtained from the new GEOS-5 Data Assimilation System (DAS) developed for GMAO's Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) to examine the relationships between cloud parameters observed by the CloudSat satellite and predictors of convective cloud structure derived from MERRA reanalyses.

Modeled transport of CO and CO2 is used to evaluate parameterizations in GEOS-5 and to identify which parameters have the greatest impact on trace gas transport in three different storms.

Simulations from eleven coupled chemistry-climate models (CCMs) employing nearly identical forcings have been used to project the evolution of stratospheric ozone throughout the 21st century.

Daily, global surface chlorophyll values for 1998 to 2004 have been estimated by assimilation of SeaWiFS data into the NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model.

To study global warming trends and the pan-decadal variability (PDV) in the Pacific, the dominating ENSO signal is removed first. After we do this, our investigations of observations and reanalysis datasets show that the warming in the Pacific basin is weaker than surrounding basins and that one of several PDV regime shifts occurred during the 1990s.

A new application of OSSEs shows great promise for helping to answer fundamental questions about atmospheric analysis techniques, observation instruments, and forecast skill measures.

GMAO scientists have developed a new formulation of the GEOS-5 atmospheric data assimilation system to understand and improve the way observations are used in weather and climate forecasts.

GMAO scientists use GEOS-5 to examine the leading modes of weather instability in the stratosphere to help provide insight into observed stratospheric dynamical phenomena.

AGCM studies show that interactive deep soil temperatures significantly increase surface air temperature variability but reduce the variability of the hydrological cycle.