Ades, M.: "Particle filters for large-dimensional problems" abstract
Amerault, C.: "Adjoint observation impact for a limited area model" presentation
Amezcua, J.: "Addressing the nonlinear problem of low order clustering in deterministic filters by using mean-preserving non-symmetric solutions of the ETKF" presentation
Ancell, B.: "The predictability of North American land-falling cyclones" presentation
Auligné, T.: "Observation Impact on Forecast Error in a Regional Model" abstract
Barker, D.: "Strategies For The Use Of Ensemble Information in Data Assimilation" presentation
Janiskova, M.: "Forecast error contribution of the global observing system using different energy norms and different representation of physical processes in the adjoint model" abstract
Janjic, T.: "Domain localization in ensemble based Kalman filter algorithms" abstract
Kashawlic, E.: "Comparing observation impact on low-level wind forecasts between an ensemble Kalman filter and a 3DVAR data assimilation scheme" abstract
Kerry, C.: "Quantifying the sensitivity of nonlinear tides in the Philippine Sea" presentation
Kleist, D.: "Evaluation of a hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation scheme using an OSSE" presentation
Kuhl, D.: " Which matters more in Hybrid Ensemble 4D-VAR, variances or correlations?" presentation
Leutbecher, M.: "On ensemble forecasts, singular vectors and reliability" presentation
Li, Z.: "A multi-scale three dimensional variational data assimilation scheme and its application to coastal oceans" presentation
Liu, Z.: "Variational assimilation of MODIS aersosol optical depth over east Asia region" presentation
Loo, C.:"Test of a new preconditioner in operational 4DVAR at Météo-France" abstract
Lorenc, A.: "The Met Office's hybrid ensemble-4D-Var scheme" presentation
Marriott, R.: "Forecast-error-sensitivity to observations in the UM" presentation
Michel, Y.: "Estimating deformations of random processes for correlation modelling in data assimilation" abstract
Migliorini, S.: "Information-based data selection for ensemble data assimilation" presentation
Montmerle, T.: "Use of heterogeneous background error covariances accounting for precipitations at convective scale" presentation
Moore, A.: "Estimates of analysis error, forecast error, and predictability derived from the adjoint of 4D-Var" presentation
Morgan, M.C.: "An adjoint description of geostrophic adjustment" abstract
Neef, L.: "Assimilation of Earth Rotation Parameters into an Atmosphere Model" abstract
Nichols, N.K.: "Resolution of sharp fronts in the presence of model error using L1-regularized variational assimilation" abstract
Pannekoucke, O.: "Sensitivity of the KFS to the trajectory of reference" abstract
Payne, T.: "Accounting for linearisation error in the Extended Kalman Filter and 4D-Var" abstract
Pelc, J.S.: "Model-reduced 4D-Var data assimilation in application to 1D ecosystem model" presentation
Petrie, R.: "Background error covariance modeling using normal modes." presentation
Piccolo, C.: "Adaptive mesh method in the Met Office variational data assimilation system" abstract
Pocock, J.A.: "Errors of representativity" abstract
Powell, B.: "Quantifying the role of observations in ocean state estimation
" presentation
Prager, T.: "On the possibilities and limits of direct physical interpretation and synoptical use of mathematical objects related to the adjoint hydro-thermodynamical equations abstract
Privé, N.: "Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) as tools for the investigation of data assimilation systems" presentation
Raynaud, L.: "Accounting for model error in global and regional ensemble data assimilation systems" abstract
Rosmond, T.: "Balanced Ensemble Localization with Normal Mode Initialization" abstract
Sandu, A.: "Properties of discrete adjoints for adaptive models" abstract
Satterfield, E.: "Deriving optimal weights for combining static and flow-dependent covariance models" presentation
Smith, P.: "Application of weak constraint dual formulation 4D-Var to the California Current System" abstract
Sumihar, J.: "File-based model connections for data-assimilation with OpenDa" abstract
Sun, X.: "4-Dvar spectral covariance with horizontal anisotropic transformation" abstract
Titaud, O.: " On the use of Lagrangian Coherent Structures in direct assimilation of ocean tracer images." presentation
Todling, R.: "A smoother-based strategy to estimate system error covariances" abstract
Tremolet, Y.: "Towards a longer 4D-Var assimilation window" presentation
Varella, H.: "Modelling of flow-dependent ensemble-based background error correlations using a wavelet formulation." presentation
van Leeuwen, P.: "Introduction to Particle Filters" presentation
van Velzen, N.: "Generic parallelization strategies for data assimilation applications." presentation
Verlaan, M.: "Ensemble based observations sensitivity applied to storm surge forecasting" abstract
Weaver, A.: "On the diffusion equation and its application to isotropic and anisotropic correlation modelling in variational assimilation" presentation
Xiao, Q.: "Evaluation of WRF 3/4D-Var and En3/4D-Var data assimilation methods for the antarctic applications" abstract
Xu, L.: "Optimal Sensor Placement for Data Assimilations" presentation
Zagar, N.: "Comparison of balance and flow-dependency of large-scale background-error variances in two ensembles" abstract
Zhang, X.: "Control of lateral boundary conditions in WRF 4D-Var" presentation