The 9th
Workshop on Adjoint Model Applications
In Dynamic
10-14 October 2011
Sponsored by
NASA's Global Modeling
and Assimilation Office
Chief Organizer:
Ronald Errico (GMAO and GESTAR)
Organizing committee:
Susan Ballard
Jan Barkmeijer (KNMI)
Mark Buehner (Environment Canada)
Carla Cardinali (ECMWF)
Gerald Desroziers (Meteo-France)
Marta Janiskova (ECMWF)
Nikki Privé (GMAO/GESTAR)
Liang Xu (NRL)
If a presentation has multiple authors affiliated with the same institution, that institution is indicated only once. If an author has multiple affiliations, only the primary one is indicated. A presentation number in bold italics indicates a long (invited) talk. All times are tentative.
Session 0
1000 |
Ronald Errico |
0.1 |
1200 |
Lunch |
1330 |
Andrew Lorenc |
0.2 |
Fundamentals of
Data Assimilation |
1500 |
Close of Tutorial Session |
Session 1
Session Chair: Liang Xu |
0830 |
Ronald Errico |
Welcoming remarks and announcements |
Adjoint Development |
0845 |
Marta Janiskova Carla Cardinali |
1.1 |
0910 |
Cristina L. Charlton-Perez S. P. Ballard, Z. Li, D. Simonin, H. Buttery, N. Gaussiat, L. Hawkness-Smith |
1.2 |
0935 |
Tim Payne |
1.3 |
Accounting for linearisation error in the Extended Kalman Filter and 4D-Var |
1000 |
Roel Stappers Jan Barkmeijer |
1.4 |
1025 |
Break |
1045 |
Adrian Sandu |
1.5 |
1110 |
Nils van Velzen |
1.6 |
Generic parallelization strategies for data assimilation applications |
Sensitivity Analysis |
1135 |
Brett Hoover Michael Morgan |
1.7 |
Dynamical sensitivity analysis of tropical cyclogenesis: a barotropic mode in the eastern Pacific |
1200 |
Michael C. Morgan |
1.8 |
1300 |
Lunch |
Session 2
Session Chair: Marta Janiskova |
1430 |
Brian Ancell Lynn McMurdie Rolf Langland |
2.1 |
1455 |
Kerry Brian Powell |
2.2 |
Quantifying the sensitivity of nonlinear tides in the |
1520 |
Oger N.,
Pannekoucke Doerenbecher,
A. Arbogast, P |
2.3 |
1545 |
Break |
Observation Operators |
1605 |
Steven J. Fletcher Glen E. Liston Christopher A. Hiemstra Steven D. Miller |
2.5 |
Assimilation of MODIS and AMSR-E Snow Parameter Observations into a Physical Snow Model |
1630 |
Zhiquan Liu Quanhua Liu Hui-Chuan Lin Craig Schwartz |
2.6 |
Variational assimilation of MODIS aersosol optical depth over east Asia region |
1655 |
Leutbecher |
2.6 |
Session 4
Session Chair: Andrew Lorenc |
Variational DAS |
1430 |
Amal El Akkraoui Ricardo Todling Yannick Tremolet |
4.1 |
Using a Bi-Conjugate Gradient minimization algorithm for variational data assimilation |
1455 |
M.A. Freitag Nancy K.
Nichols C.J. Budd |
4.2 |
1520 |
Joanna S. Pelc Ehouarn Simon Laurent Bertino Ghada El Serafy |
4.3 |
Model-reduced 4D-Var data assimilation in application to 1D ecosystem model |
1545 |
Serge Gratton Selime Gurol Philippe Toint |
4.4 |
1610 |
Break |
1610 |
Poster Session |
Javier Amezcua Eugenia Kalnay Kayo Ide |
4.5 |
Addressing the nonlinear problem of low order clustering found in deterministic filters by using mean-preserving non-symmetric solutions of the ETKF |
Loik Berre Gerald Desroziers Laure Raynaud Hubert Varella Laurent Descamps Carole Labadie |
4.6 |
Variational ensemble data assimilation at Meteo-France for error covariance modelling and ensemble prediction |
Vanja Blazica Nedjeljka Zagar |
4.7 |
Caron |
4.8 |
How to optimally treat large scale information in limited area ensemble-based data assimilation? |
Dan Holdaway Ron Errico |
4.9 |
Jacobians of the GEOS5 Relaxed Arakawa-Schubert convection scheme |
Kashawlic Brian Ancell |
4.10 |
Benjamin Menetrier Thibaut Montmerle Loik Berre Yann Michel |
4.11 |
Variational ensemble-based forecast error variance maps filtering, a toy-models approach |
Tamas Prager Éva König Fanni Kelemen |
4.12 |
Tom Rosmond Craig Bishop Dave Kuhl Liz Satterfield |
4.13 |
Balanced Ensemble Localization with |
Elizabeth Satterfield Craig H. Bishop David D. Kuhl Tom Rosmond |
4.14 |
Deriving optimal weights for combining static and flow-dependent covariance models |
Polly Smith Andrew Moore |
4.15 |
Application of weak constraint dual formulation 4D-Var to the California Current System |
Julius Sumihar Martin Verlaan Stef Hummel Nils van Velzen |
4.16 |
File-based model connections for data-assimilation with OpenDa |
Xudong Sun Peter Steinle |
4.17 |
4-Dvar spectral covariance with horizontal anisotropic transformation |
Hubert Varella Loik Berre Gerald Desroziers |
4.18 |
Modelling of flow-dependent ensemble-based background error correlations using a wavelet formulation |
Martin Verlaan Julius Sumihar |
4.19 |
Ensemble based observations sensitivity applied to storm surge forecasting |
Session 5
Session Chair: Jan Barkmeijer |
Particle Filters |
0900 |
Peter Jan van Leeuwen |
5.1 |
0950 |
Melanie Ades Peter Jan van
Leeuwen |
5.2 |
1015 |
Anne Cuzol Etienne Mémin |
5.3 |
Image assimilation with the weighted ensemble Kalman filter |
1040 |
Break |
Model Error |
1100 |
Yannick Tremolet |
5.4 |
1125 |
Carla Cardinali Roberto Buizza Gabor Radnoti Nedjeljka Zagar |
5.5 |
1150 |
Laure Raynaud Loik Berre Gerald Desroziers |
5.6 |
Accounting for model error in global and regional ensemble data assimilation systems |
1215 |
Joanne A.
Pocock A. S. Lawless S. L. Dance N. K. Nichols |
5.7 |
1300 |
Lunch |
Free time (weather permitting) |
1830 |
Dinner |
Session 6
Session Chair: Nikki Privé |
Ensemble DAS |
0900 |
Gerald Desroziers Loik Berre |
6.1 |
Accelerating and parallelizing minimizations in ensemble and deterministic variational assimilation |
0925 |
Neef Katja
Matthes |
6.2 |
Assimilation of Earth Rotation Parameters into an Atmosphere Model |
0950 |
Janjic L.Nerger A.
Albertella J.Schroeter
Skachko |
6.3 |
localization in ensemble based Kalman filter algorithms |
1015 |
El Gharamti U. Altaf I. Hotiet
A. W.
Heemink |
6.4 |
Data assimilation into groundwater contaminant models using an ensemble variational approach |
1040 |
Break |
Hybrid Techniques |
1100 |
Adam Clayton Dale Barker Neill Bowler Peter Jermey Andrew Lorenc Rick Rawlins Mike Thurlow |
6.5 |
1125 |
David D. Kuhl Tom Rosmond Craig H. Bishop Elizabeth Satterfield |
6.6 |
Which matters more in Hybrid Ensemble 4D-VAR, variances or
correlations? |
1150 |
Craig H.
Bishop Elizabeth
Satterfield David D Kuhl Tom Rosmond |
6.7 |
Errors in ensemble-based error covariance estimates and
Hybrid ensemble 4D-VAR |
1215 |
Olivier Titaud
6.8 |
On the use of Lagrangian Coherent Structures in direct assimilation of ocean tracer images |
1240 |
Lunch |
Session 7
Session Chair: Nikki Privé |
Other Data Assimilaton |
1430 |
Hajoon Song Ibrahim
Hoteit Bruce Cornuelle
Aneesh Subramanian |
7.1 |
1455 |
Weaver Isabelle
Mirouze |
7.2 |
1520 |
Brian Powell
Bruce Cornuelle
7.3 |
Quantifying the role of observations in ocean state estimation
1545 |
Ruth Petrie Ross Bannister |
7.4 |
1615 |
Break |
1635 |
Zhijin Li
7.5 |
1700 |
Daryl Kleist John Derber David Parrish Kayo Ide Jeff Whitaker |
7.6 |
Evaluation of a hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation scheme using an OSSE |
1725 |
Dale Barker |
7.7 |
Strategies For The Use Of Ensemble Information in Data Assimilation |
1740 |
7.8 |
Discussion |
Session 8
Session Chair: Carla Cardinali |
Observation Impacts |
0830 |
Liang Xu Wei Kang |
8.1 |
0855 |
Clark Amerault James D. Doyle |
8.2 |
Adjoint observation impact for a limited area model |
0945 |
Richard Marriott Andrew Lorenc |
8.3 |
0945 |
Break |
0945 |
Alison Fowler Peter Jan Van Leeuwen |
8.4 |
Measures of observation impact in non-Gaussian data assimilation |
1010 |
Break |
1030 |
Patrick E. Farrell S. W. Funke |
8.5 |
1055 |
Ronald Errico Nikki Privé King-Sheng Tai |
8.6 |
1120 |
Nikki Privé Ronald Errico |
8.7 |
1145 |
Ronald Errico |
Closing Remarks |
1200 |
Lunch |
![]() |
Global Modeling and Assimilation Office NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Last Updated: July 28 2011 |